Surviving the Apocalypse: Calculating the Essential Supplies and Tree Planting for Oxygen, Food, and Shelter

Surviving an apocalypse is a concept that has been explored in numerous science fiction films and literature. The idea of the world as we know it coming to an end is both terrifying and fascinating. But what would it really take to survive such a scenario? How much supplies would we need to prepare? How many trees would we need to plant to ensure we have enough oxygen, food, and shelter? Let’s delve into these questions and try to calculate the essentials for surviving the apocalypse.

Calculating Essential Supplies

When it comes to calculating the essential supplies needed for survival, it’s important to consider the basics: food, water, and medical supplies. The exact amount will depend on the number of people, their age, and health condition, but here are some general guidelines:

  • Food: The average person needs about 2,000 calories per day to maintain their weight. So, for a year, that’s about 730,000 calories. Considering that a can of beans has about 200 calories, you would need about 3,650 cans of beans per person per year.
  • Water: The average person needs about 1 gallon of water per day for drinking and sanitation. So, for a year, that’s about 365 gallons per person.
  • Medical Supplies: This will vary greatly depending on individual health needs, but at a minimum, a basic first aid kit should be included in your supplies.

Planting Trees for Oxygen, Food, and Shelter

Trees play a crucial role in our survival, providing oxygen, food, and shelter. But how many would we need in an apocalyptic scenario?

  • Oxygen: A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. So, to supply oxygen for one person for a year, you would need to plant about 0.1 mature leafy trees. However, trees take years to mature, so it’s best to start planting as soon as possible.
  • Food: This will depend on the type of tree. For example, a mature apple tree can produce between 100-200 pounds of apples per year. If we consider that the average person needs about 730,000 calories per year, and one pound of apples has about 500 calories, one person would need about 1,460 pounds of apples per year. So, you would need to plant about 7-15 apple trees per person per year.
  • Shelter: Again, this will depend on the type of tree and its size. A small cabin can be built with about 50-100 trees. So, if you’re planning to build a shelter, you’ll need to plant a significant number of trees.

In conclusion, surviving an apocalypse would require significant preparation and resources. It’s a daunting task, but with the right planning and a lot of tree planting, it could be possible.